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Mostrando Ocurrencias para: swampwood tree


I. N

1. cooking,dom.,plant,tree swampwood tree


  • Etnográfica:
    Used traditionally for the household fire. Three long swampwood logs were placed with ends facing one another on the earthen floor of the house. Once burning, they would burn continuously very slowly. They would be pulled slightly away from one another when not in use. For cooking, they would be moved closer together, and smaller sticks and twigs put in the center to catch fire. The pot would be set on that fire in the middle of the logs. Most people have used a raised fire hearth for many years now. The tree also has an interesting yearly cycle in that different animals are attracted to it at different times of the year. For example, for a time it is covered with butterflies, and at another, hummingbirds.
  • Léxica:
    Also sinkat, sinup, sinis


I. N

1. plant swampwood tree